Xiaomi Redmi 14R – Ideal Flagship from the 14 Series!,
Xiaomi has introduced the newest Redmi 14R smartphone in recent days, and now it is very close, almost ready to hit the market in the upcoming days. There are quite a few interesting features that the Xiaomi’s Redmi 14R comes with, which we will look at in more detail below. On first glance, you will note that the Xiaomi Redmi 14R’s a large 6.88-inch IPS LCD capacitive touchscreen display, delivering the HD resolution of 720 x 1600 pixels and a 120 Hz refresh rate. On top of that, there’s a sharp single sensor of 5 MP, while the latest Xiaomi 14R offers dual sensors of 13 MP + 2 MP on the back in order to enjoy the pro photography. Moving to the inside, Xiaomi Redmi’s 14R is packed with the fastest Qualcomm Snapdragon 4 Gen 2 chipset and an Octa Core CPU. An addition to them there’s 8 GB of RAM and 256 GB of built-in memory, and I have a have a dedicated memory card slot supporting the external memory up to 1 TB as well. The reliable and massive 5160 mAh battery can keep the Redmi 14R’s active up to the entire day on just one charge, and you don’t need to wait for ours and ours because it can be filled in minutes with the super fast original charger. As a result, we would say that the entry of the Redmi 14R by Xiaomi will create serious competition between major smartphone manufacturers, including , .